Archives for October 2014

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall…

When choosing a mirror for your bathroom it is important to note the placing of them to use their features to their best.

Mirrors are  not only fantastic for making yourself look beautiful or making sure you don’t have any toothpaste on your cheek when off to work for the day but they also add many elements to your room. They are incredibly useful when used in a small space to make it appear bigger. As the reflection is given back to you in a mirror this can create a feeling of a larger space.

A good trick to use is a mirror which looks into another mirror. When creating tricks such as this they can have a brilliant effect in your bathroom and make it appear to go back even further than you thought possible. Just be sure not to frighten yourself when heading off to the bathroom in the night!

There are many different styles of mirror which you can install in your bathroom. It is important to note that you should be very careful when lacing your mirror on the wall as not to break it. As we all know mirrors are very fragile objects and no matter whether you are the superstitious type or not, no one wants to risk 7 years of back luck, right?

Here are some images of mirrors that we love, go wild and pick one that is right for you and your space! Make sure you fit it safely and enjoy the shape of it, it is also fun to have more than one mirror in your bathroom!

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Fabulous Flooring!

Bathroom flooring is a great way to add fun into your bathroom! There have always been many fun floor avenues to explore for children, such as racing car track carpet pieces and so on, but what about the adults? Surely we can have fun with our flooring too, right? Well, we are here to show you some examples of fabulous flooring!

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Maybe you would like to change the material of your bathroom if it is not agreeing with your needs, or how you use your bathroom. Sometimes bathrooms in apartments or houses of a smaller size than those in a large properties have no or little windows, therefore losing natural light in the room. This could therefore lead to it becoming difficult to allow air to circulate in your bathroom which is a must when avoiding dreaded damp & mould. This may mean that a solid floor such as tiles or vinyl would be better for you.

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Carpeted bathrooms can be lovely, luxuriously soft and gorgeous to look at. However, be careful not to get them too wet as they can take a while to dry, which can lead to a not so nice smell. Also, after they have dried out, sometimes this can lead to unsightly stains and markings of your beautiful carpet. If you are installing a new flooring we would recommend steering away from a carpeted bathroom due to the high maintenance element of the material.

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But we have some lovely ideas here to get you inspired!

We Love Bath Mats!

When it comes to updating your bathroom many people are instantly drawn towards fitting new appliances. By changing your entire bath or shower unit you will make a big difference to your room however, this can be expensive and stressful! Why not update your bathroom more simply? Maybe with a splash of colour? Or a new bath mat? These more simple options can be cheaper and there are some wonderful bathroom accessories available.

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Although, adding a new sink unit can be less destructive to your completed bathroom as your basin unit will not be as large as your bath or shower so is a much easier task to complete. We have many smaller sink units available which can add space to your bathroom which is also a brilliant way to change the set up of your bathroom. Bathroom mats are a lovely way to add something new and comfortable to your room without having to budget in fitting an entirely new appliance. This also means finding the time and effort to find the correct fitting for you.

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However, adding a new bath mat to your room instantly adds that lovely feeling of change and wonderful comfort on your feet! So whether you have a carpeted, tiled or vinyl floor the addition of a bath mat is a must. Also, another brilliant reason to get a bath mat is to protect your flooring from dampening. Damp can be a real issue in bathrooms so anything that you can do to protect it from ruining you should try to do! Flooring is expensive to fit into a bathroom where as bath mats are reasonably priced. What do you think of this collection?

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