Archives for October 11, 2018

Bathroom Design and Styling Trends in 2018

2018 Trends in Bathroom Design


Taste is a subjective concept, and this holds doubly true when it comes to more personal design decisions.  When decorating our homes, we pour a lot of our own creativity and taste into what we do whether we realise it or not.  Choosing the colour of paint to put on a wall or the shade of tiles for the floor can make all the difference to the person living with it, whereas others might not even notice the subtle choices made.  This is why large hardware and DIY retailers claim to be able to mix paint in any colour the human eye can see, which is over two million!  Given there is such a huge range of options open to consumers, knowing where to start and what to pick can seem an insurmountable task.  If that feels familiar then examining current trends and popular ideas might help get your creative juices flowing, or even give you a perfect template to build from.  Hopefully the list below will give anyone eager to redesign their bathroom some inspiration to get started!

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