Archives for March 6, 2015

Home Office Space

Do you work from home? If so, then you know how uncomfortable it can be to sit with your laptop on your knee, fumbling through books and papers – this is not helpful to anyone. When working at home you need to create a relaxing, calming and welcoming space where you can truly focus. Even if you are short of room in your home, you needn’t dedicate an entire room to office space. Simply by installing a desk into an area of your bedroom, living room or dining room can be enough for you to feel settled and get in the zone. So whether it’s fancy filing cabinets or a Home Office PC Desk that you are looking for, then we have the right product range for you.

The brilliance of this home office unit is that it is a hidden space, this is great due to all of the hidden compartments inside the unit yet this is all hidden which gives a tidy appearance. This office also looks like a sideboard or cupboard unit so could sit very nicely in your living room and no one would know that everything you need to sit down and work is right there. In this image below you can see the separate sections of the desk and how best to organise your work.

So if you are thinking about decorating an entire room into a home office space, or simply wish to add a desk or cabinets to your living space then head to the Office based area of our website here and see how we can help you become organised.